Monday, June 1, 2015

Empath vs. Literalist

My husband is a literalist.  If we have had a discussion about something and we disagree, he can remember exactly the words that he said and the words that I said.  I am an empath/emoter.  I remember the feelings and attitudes he and I each felt, even if they weren't directly expressed; I do not remember the literal words.  This, in turn, has led to some further disagreement.  He will deny that he said anything negative - and he is probably absolutely correct.  But, since he is not empathetic to the same degree, he feels it is unfair to feel bad about, or even bring up, the attitudes and feelings that he did NOT express, even though he doesn't deny feeling them.  Here we are at an impasse.

A partial solution to this is to make explicit the attitudes and feelings being expressed at the time of the initial disagreement.  This means that I can later bring them into the conversation without his denial.  It does, however, make him uncomfortable.  He would prefer to keep his feelings and attitudes to himself.  Another impasse.

It is a good thing we mostly agree on things.

Saturday, July 19, 2014


Regarding my last post about singing.  Most of my current interest in music is completely and utterly selfish.  I don't listen much to other people's music.  My music teachers would be appalled to know how little I listen to music.  And yet, I try to write music.  Why so little interest in other people's music and interest only in my own.  It isn't even that I think my music is so good.  I know, in many respects, the music of mine that people have actually liked is mediocre.  Especially the music part.  The part people seem to like best is the story-telling part.  But I seem to be mostly interested in my own stories - and not anyone else's.  It is selfish, self-indulgent, and self-absorbed. 



Years ago, my grandfather heard me singing and said with a smile, "You must be happy."  It had never occurred to me until then that singing was associated with happiness and it was a bit incongruous for me to think of it in that way.  I think I must have disappointed him slightly when I denied that I was happy.  I was just singing. 

There have been long, years long, periods of my life where singing wasn't part of what I did.  It wasn't that I was unhappy and abandoned singing because of that.  I just didn't think so much about it.  And even now, I have a rather strange relationship to it.  I sing, I write music, I hum in the car, but it isn't so much tied to an emotion, as it is just part of what I do. 

I guess I have a rather strange affect.  Other people who are teachers consistently insist that they just LOVE children.  I find children absolutely fascinating, but I can't say, I LOVE them.  I can say that about mountains, though.  I LOVE looking at mountains.  Why the difference?  I don't know.  But it is the same with singing.  I can't say I LOVE singing, but I do it - a lot. 

So now, I am performing music.  Why?  I am not sure.  There is the nervousness and the heady rush of accomplishment, but I don't think that is completely it.  For me, there is also the aspect of wanting to share something tied to the music.  It is a way of expression, I guess.  There is also the personal validation that comes from sharing my own music. 

Music seems to be something I just do - a lot.

Friday, July 11, 2014


I just re-read my post from January about getting stuck.  I did manage to work through part of the problem at least.  I finished the musical - Dealing with Dragons - or at least what I envisioned as my part of it.  I am proud of the work.  It isn't the current Broadway style, but it is fun, the music is appealing, and the story is worthwhile.

And now it is in the hands of a friend of mine to write the piano accompaniments.  He is doing a FABULOUS job.  It makes me feel like my part was only the beginning and his is the REAL transformation  - taking something that was fine, but not stellar, into something that may actually be GOOD. 

Even this amount of success, though, still leaves me wondering if I am really good enough to do all this.

When will I EVER get past this "good enough" problem?  Probably never, unfortunately.

Fairbanks, Again

I leave tomorrow for Fairbanks - my big vacation of the year.  As is rather typical of me, my vacation will be filled with classes - 10 Cabaret classes; 8 piano/keyboard improv classes; 2 classes on copyright and royalty provisions for creative artists; and 2 Cabaret performances.  It will also be filled with meeting up with old friends. 

I am looking forward to the trip - at least I think I am.  I always wonder if I am good enough for all of it.  Am I good enough to perform in Cabaret without making a complete fool of myself?  Am I good enough to learn about improv piano without completely destroying my image of myself?  Am I good enough to even worry about copyright and royalty stuff - why bother, when no one cares anyway?  And, finally, am I a good enough friend to my friends who are there for me? 

Will I ever feel good enough for what I am?

Saturday, June 14, 2014


I got into an argument on Facebook last night and it has left me rather depressed.  The argument was with a person whom I generally respect.  But it ended with a rather personal attack.  I think my mistake was thinking that the discussion was a general philosophical one, when it was actually much more personal.  It is true, that I knew nothing of the specifics of the situation - they weren't included - and I probably over-reached in my interpretation of the situation.  But I felt that the reaction was personal and very rudely worded.  I thought I was standing up for myself; the other person interpreted it, I would guess, as arrogant interference.  Sigh.

So, I am licking my wounds and trying to stay away from Facebook for a while. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Family Support

Recently, I got into an argument with my younger daughter regarding an upcoming trip.  The problem was lack of communication about rental cars and specifics of the trip.  It is true that I didn't ask for specifics, but I was waiting for more information - which never came.  Thus this complaint.  Why is it that my kids are not very supportive of me?  They are both on Facebook; they both regularly check email.  I frequently "Like" pictures they post, news that they post, and other things that they share on FB.  They rarely say anything to me.  They don't "Like" any of my posts.  They don't encourage me when I am feeling down.  Why don't they ask me questions, initiate communication, send me things that they think I might enjoy?  I just don't get it.

I know John doesn't like or understand music, but both of my kids do.  Why aren't they more supportive of what I am trying to do with music?  So what if it isn't their style.  Why can't they be more encouraging anyway?

Do they feel the same about me?  Do they feel that I am not supportive of their interests?  Or do they just not care?
